


Step 1: Download and install the new iTunes 10.5 on your Windows PC or Mac. Connect your iOS device with your computer and make sure you make a backup of everything.
NOTE: Those of you who rely on Gevey SIM or Ultrasn0w unlock should skip to “For Unlockers Only” section found at the bottom.
Step 2: Now upgrade your iOS device to the version of iOS 5.1.1 using iTunes 10.5 on your Windows PC or Mac.
Step 3: Download the Jailbreak for Mac or Windows.
Step 4: Click on the “Jailbreak” option, select “Install Cydia” and follow the onscreen instructions to enter DFU mode. Once you’re in DFU mode, soft will perform the jailbreak (without having to have you select the IPSW file manually! YES, the new soft can fetch all the required files automatically from Apple’s servers).
Booting into Tethered-Jailbreak Mode:
Step 5: Once you’ve installed Cydia, you will need to boot the device into a tethered jailbroken state. Go into DFU mode, and then in “Extras”, opt for “Just Boot”. Soft will subsequently boot your device as tethered. Note: Due to the nature of this jailbreak, you will have to repeat this booting sequence every time you wish to reboot your device.

iOS 5.1.1 Jailbreak


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